Regular Gallery and Shop hours are Tuesday-Saturday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Sunday-Monday from 12:00 to 5:00 pm.  COVID Policies.
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Community Woodfire: June 23U-CW06
Course Code: 23U-CW06
Dates: Jun 15 | 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Jun 17 | 10:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Jun 18 | 12:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Skill Level: Beginner/Intermediate

Sign up now to experience the flash of the Baltimore Clayworks Noborigama!  Your pots may take on a rich variety of colorful flashing and deposits from wood ash or soda depending on which chamber you choose.   We fire the wood chamber throughout Saturday into the evening, finishing the salt chamber Sunday morning which allows plenty of time for shared conversation and food.  Everyone will have an opportunity to choose shifts in preparation and during the firing process that are appropriate.  One share constitutes kiln space equal to 12” x 12” x 54”.  Participants are encouraged to contact Baltimore Clayworks with questions regarding appropriate clay bodies, slips or glazes for use in the Noborigama.

Glaze time, included with rental share, may be scheduled in advance by contacting kevin.rohde@baltimoreclayworks.org Plan to have all work glazed and wadded by Noon on day of loading.

Loading and firing shifts will be limited capacity.

Thursday - glaze/load - 12:00pm to finish - June 15.
Saturday - preheat & firing - 10:00am  June 17 to sunrise Sunday, June 18.
Unloading will take place on Thursday following the firing.

Course Fee:
$ 195.00 Members
$ 195.00 Non-Members

Instructor: Jeremy Wallace

JEREMY WALLACE is a current resident artist with Baltimore Clayworks and was the Lormina Salter Fellowship artist for 2014-2015 . He earned his BFA with a concentration in ceramics from the University of Wisconsin Superior in the fall of 2009. A native of Minnesota, he has recently worked as an artist-in-residence at St. Petersburg Clay Company for 2013-14 and instructor at the Morean Arts Center in St. Petersburg FL. He began work as the Noborigama assistant with Baltimore Clayworks in 2011-2013. Jeremy’s functional and sculptural vessels explore expression through line, texture and movement.


Proof of vaccination required prior to loading.

Full, Waitlist Available

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For Help please contact us at 410.578.1919 or info@baltimoreclayworks.org