Regular Gallery and Shop hours are Tuesday-Saturday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Sunday-Monday from 12:00 to 5:00 pm.  COVID Policies.
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Figuratively Speaking: Expressive Faces 23S_HB08
Course Code: 23S-HB08
Time: Thursday 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Dates: Mar 16, 2023 - Jun 1, 2023
Skill Level: Beginner/Intermediate

In this fun 11-week course students will learn the basic tools, materials and process for sculpting the human head. Participants will hone their observational skills while modeling the figure using reference photos. Students will move through the steps of measuring proportion, understanding volume, planes and anatomical structure to create finished works. Some previous clay experience recommended but not mandatory. Course fee includes 25# clay and bisque, glaze firing fees are additional. Class size will remain at reduced capacity for increased social distancing, masks indoors remain mandatory. Proof of vaccination required prior to 1st class. 

*No Class 4/6 (Passover) 

Course Fee:
$ 370.00 Members
$ 385.00 Non-Members

Instructor: Emily Lamb

Emily Lamb joined Baltimore Clayworks as a resident artist beginning in the fall of 2019. Originally from Denver, CO she attended Virginia Commonwealth University of the Arts to receive her BFA in Craft and Material Studies. Using a combination of blown glass, abstract forms and figurative hand-built ceramics, she focuses on the transition between the body and the mind.

Proof of vaccination required prior to 1st class.

Full, Waitlist Available

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For Help please contact us at 410.578.1919 or info@baltimoreclayworks.org